Tag Archives: challenges

What year is it again?

Write a blog they said. Well here we go, I wrote a blog, it’s been a while. I mean don’t ask me why, you would think after half the year in lock down and working from home you would have more time to contemplate the world when your locked in doors, if we can even begin to contemplate what the hell has happened in 2020 🤦🏻‍♀️.

Yet here we are September and 9 month into what can only be the oddest year in the 32 of that I’ve lived. There is a difference between living on the edge and wondering what the hell is coming next. Memories of Spanish sun 7 months behind us and what I would give for a boarding pass, wing seat and a jug of sangria in my hand. I guess yorkshire tea and the wonderful British weather will have to suffice, pass me an aldi cookie and well I’m on a roll. Would I relive 2020?Hell no…Have I learnt anything from it? One hundred and one percent.

I have learnt to appreciate things close to home, I’ve learnt to make the best of bad situations and I’ve been reminded once again who is always there even if it’s via a zoom screen. I’ve learnt things can change in a heart beat and what you love and know is never permanent and that I’m good at giving advice but not listening to it myself. I’ve acquired a bike and learnt my cake baking has still got it, I have a new passion for gardening, planting, watering and watching things come to life with a bit tender love and care. Watching and waiting, sound familiar? After all with an adventurous nature it is always envitable to be looking for new things to learn. Did i think I’d be an over protective tomato tenderer at the ripe old age of 32, erm did you expect a pandemic?

So whilst adventures have had to take a break for a short while and the fco is probably more checked then your scrolling insta feed we watch and wait for what the last 4 months of the year hold. Heaven help us.

Its been a tough year so far for sure, everyone has there own battles, adapting to our new lives and working habitats, David Attenborough I am not but I have befriended the garden frog. I avoid the news like the plaque and my heart aches to travel, chuck in a unprecedented house move and what could possibly go wrong. Thankfully my addictive personality never allows me to give up on my own challenges, I dont need someone to chase my tail or push me along and for that I will be forever grateful to myself, helping people goes a long way with me but a little support is always welcome especially from those close to home.

My fitness pal is my new best friend, I am constantly chucking out packets I’m not meant too, ending,up head first in the recycle bin and trying to remember to track the kit kat that I needed before bed, in between hanging the washing out and cooking the tea on my lunch break, go figure. My swimming is my forte, it’s my punch bag and my therapy setting me up everyday one stroke at a time. I have learned a lot this year about self goals, your own strength and what you can achieve if you put your mind to it even if you don’t always believe in yourself.

In a nutshell. Whatever the situation, kick your own arse and manage your own mind it will go a long way in the long run and when normality returns (when) you will Thank yourself ❤